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Honey can you think for me? Use it or Lose it!!!! Keep Your Memory Muscle Flexed!!!!

Improve My Memory

“How do you turn this thing on again?”

Ever had the experience where a partner or elder parent asked you something like how to work the dishwasher and you know they know how to do this? Or ever hear “How do you work this damn thing” regarding the remote control? Well that’s the lazy brain not flexing its memory muscle. It takes patience and continued practice. So resist saying, “Here I’ll do it” and let them figure it out. It’s the practicality of every day things that is easy to keep working on nourishing the memory. It’s easy for us to lose skills as we get older if we’re not careful!!!!

Remember me until next time,

Jenn Bulka, M.A., SLP Memory Specialist

Memory Tea: 100 Lessons to Improve Your Memory

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