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CATCH YA LATER, ALLIGATOR: The 4 Most Dangerous Words for Working Memory!


The 4 most dangerous words you can fool yourself with: “I’ll remember it later.” Find a consistent system for the ‘lil things you have to remember.

a. All notes go in your phone.

b. Carry posits (2x2s good size) in your car, a couple in your wallet, always have a pad in the family room and one pad by your bed.

c. Create a POSIT E-SHRINE: a place for emergency “Don’t Forget” postits if you are on a critical path to remember something.

d. You will hear more about “Scanning for Threats” later in the week however, write postits for anything that appears to be easy to miss if not something in your regular schedule.

-Remember me until next time, jenn bulka: Memory Specialist.

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